Walk the World


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Event Details


15 May 2024



Start location

Shawnee Mission Park Shelter 4


Laura Ann Buczkowski

Jessica Mullenberg

Walk description

Walk The World Kansas City is back, this year supporting The Animal Rescue Alliance. We are setting a fundraising target of $5,000 to support them in their animal welfare efforts! As a reminder, Informa will match the first $15 raised by any colleague, and any colleague who raises $150 or more will be granted an extra day off from work to use later in the year.

We have reserved Shelter 4 in Shawnee Mission Park as our start and end point for the walk. The main park entrance is at 7900 Renner Road, ShawneeKS 66219 and you can follow the signs from there, however, if you enter Shawnee Mission Park Shelter 4 into Google maps it will take you straight to the shelter. 

The two walk distances will have staggered start times this year, with the intention of all finishing our walks around the same time. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes before your walk time. Please register for one of the following:

  • 5k: We will plan to begin walking at at 10:30. Laura Ann will lead this walk. Arrive for this walk by 10:15.
  • 2k: The 2k walk will begin at 11:00. Colleagues are welcome to arrive with the 5k walkers if they wish to socialize and enjoy the outdoors before their walk. Jessica will lead this walk. Arrive for this walk by 10:45.
  • Helpers: Anyone who wishes to support our charity but will not be able to complete a walk for whatever reason should register as a helper. These individuals will still have a fundraising page to support the charity and are welcome to remain at the shelter during the event. Arrive to support your teammates between 10:15 and 11:30.

Any colleague who wishes to bring a guest is required to ensure their guest is registered for a walk as well. Guests will have their own fundraising page and, like colleagues, are encouraged to do what they can in support of our chosen charity.

Look out for email updates from your Walk The World champions for the latest on the event!

Route information

After Party

About the charity

Shanghai Stats




Informa Markets 43%
Group 64%
Informa Tech 60%




288 kms

Raised so far

$ 4,515

Our goal

$ 5,000

WTW Kansas City 2024


Upcoming Walks
